Anesthesia and sedation


Local anesthesia is the most commonly applied method of painless treatment. It is performed by injecting local anesthetic solution into the gum or inner cheek. It interrupts communication between the painful point and the pain centre of the brain by blocking the nerve fibers. Also, on patient’s demand, the injection site can be numbed with surface anesthesia, so that the injection itself is painless. Dental treatment is therefore completely painless. All potentially painful dental procedures in our clinic are performed under local anesthesia. These are namely: tooth extraction, tooth preparation for prosthetics, treatment of deep caries, dental implant placement etc. General anesthesia is used for more complex types of dental surgery, which are also more time-consuming. The procedure is performed under the supervision of a specialist — anesthesiologist, who induces a state of hypnosis in the patient by applying a general anesthetic. The patient does not feel any pain or discomfort. Medical examination and standard preoperative examination are required before surgery under general anesthesia.

Sedation anesthesia is a modern method applied in dentistry. It is basically controlled sleep under the supervision of the anesthesiologist.


We use sedation for dental surgical procedures in patients with increased sensitivity to pain. It is most often applied for extraction of teeth and dental implant placement.