Dental hygiene


Dental hygiene is the prevention of dental caries, gingivitis and periodontitis. Part of the treatment is instructing the patient about choosing the right toothpaste and brushes, then scaling and polishing of teeth. The treatment is also suitable for children.

Removal of tartar and plaque is performed with ultrasound. Polishing is performed using polishing brushes and polishing paste. Removal of pigmentation (stains from coffee, tea, cigarettes, etc.) is performed using Air Flow. Air Flow is a unique solution that is based on using a jet of air, water and fine polishing powder that can reach those parts of your teeth which are not reachable in a conventional manner. In particular, these are interdental spaces. Provided you take good care of them you will get rid of unpleasant signs of gum inflammation.


The Air Flow process removes pigmentation without damaging the enamel. The mixture contains no sharp particles unlike conventional whitening toothpastes, prolonged use of which may weaken the enamel.