Dental surgery is a branch of medicine that is associated with surgery on the soft and hard tissues in the mouth. There is a large number of surgical intervention types and methods of their implementation in the mouth. Our dental clinic is equipped with everything necessary for a variety of surgical procedures in the field of dentistry. Any operation carried out in our clinic, whether removal of teeth, gum surgery or implant placement is carried out carefully and with the use of anesthesia. Oral surgery should not scare patients, and all operations are performed with the maximum comfort.
Tooth removal (or removal of the tooth root) is the most well-known oral surgical procedure for patients. Its essence lies in the removal of a tooth with the aid of special tools adapted for different situations and different teeth in the oral cavity.
Tooth extraction surgery is performed with minimal damage to the surrounding tissue, regardless of the complexity. This is necessary to prevent complications during rehabilitation, promote speedy healing of the wound and reduce the size of the bone defect at the site of the extracted tooth. The latter is particularly important for the subsequent implant placement, when every millimeter of bone tissue at the site of the extracted tooth counts. And, of course, like any other surgical procedure, removal of teeth is performed under effective anesthesia.
In the light of recent advances in modern dentistry, especially its therapeutic part, we do not have to remove teeth so often. This is basically a measure of last resort, but there are situations in which it is not possible to avoid tooth extraction. Here are the main ones:
· Severe destruction of the crown or especially root, when the tooth cannot be saved with the help of therapy (filling) or with the help of orthopedics (placing post and core and making a crown).
· Dystopic teeth (teeth in incorrect position in the dentition).
· Strongly curved teeth, protruding teeth that interfere with prosthetic work and/or injured soft tissue next to the tooth (characteristic of wisdom teeth).
· Fracture of the tooth root due to injury.
· Poor access to the tooth for effective treatment (characteristic of wisdom teeth).
· Impossibility or inefficiency of endodontic treatment (root canal treatment).
· Severe periodontitis.
· Orthodontic indications.
Contraindications to removal of teeth:
· Cardiovascular disease in the stage of decompensation.
· Recent (up to one year) myocardial infarction.
· Decompensated diabetes.
· Acute viral respiratory infections.
· Stomatitis and other infections in the oral cavity.
· Exacerbation of a mental illness.
Key recommendations after tooth extraction:
· After tooth extraction refrain from eating for 2 hours.
· During the first day after tooth extraction avoid eating hot, especially hot liquid food.
· Do not rinse your mouth vigorously.
· Do not warm the cheek in the area of the extracted tooth.
· Refrain from taking hot baths.
· Start cleaning your teeth on the next day after tooth extraction.
· Try to chew on the opposite side of the extracted tooth.
· Do not touch the socket with your tongue or any other object.
In addition to removal of teeth due to the presence of chronic foci of inflammation in the tooth root, there are several other types of operations that, in some cases, help to preserve the tooth.
It should be remembered that removal of teeth is a surgical procedure with all its side effects and complications. Taken the specific location of the surgical wound (oral cavity, which is home to over 350-400 different kinds of microorganisms, including pathogens), the healing process can proceed with the development of various inflammatory phenomena. To reduce the risk of socket inflammation after tooth extraction, patients must follow certain rules as recommended by the doctor.
Tooth-preserving surgery:
Hemisection — removing part of the tooth with a root (for example, one of the roots is a focus of untreatable chronic infection, so this root is to be removed). This allows the use of the remaining half of the tooth as a support for the prosthesis. Corono-radicular separation is a special case of hemisection. It is performed in the event of an inflammatory focus between the roots of the tooth. In this case, the tooth is cut in the middle and the parts are like two separate teeth, which are later covered with crowns.
Cystotomy, cystectomy — surgery to remove a whole cyst or its part depending on the indications. Very often, this operation is performed together with root apex resection.
Root apex resection – removing part of the root that is a focus of chronic infection. This is done in cases of endodontic treatment inefficiency, or in the presence of granulomas and cysts etc.
Root resection – indications for surgery are the same as for the root apex resection.